
GeneChip™ HT HG-U133+PM - ნაკრები


Catalog number: 901261


Proven performance from the industry standard 
The GeneChip™ HT HG-U133+ PM 24-Array Plate enables high-throughput expression profiling of multiple samples at a time using the same content as the industry-standard GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array*.

The HT HG-U133+ PM Array Plate enables you to:

  • Measure gene expression of more than 47,000 transcripts and variants, including more than 33,000 well-characterized genes and UniGene clusters per sample

  • Get accurate and reproducible data by using multiple independent measurements for each transcript

Scatter plots represent median MAQC B - MAQC A signals for each array type. The high correlation coefficients indicate similar biology is being observed (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).

Key Benefits:

  • Enables increased productivity and efficiency through parallel processing

    •    Process 16, 24, or 96 samples on a single array plate

  • Same industry-leading performance and content as the Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array in cartridge format

    •    Strong signal and fold change correlation to previous plate and cartridge designs

  • Multiple independent measurements per transcript for increased confidence in your results

    •    Interrogates more sequence than a single probe measurement

  • Conveniently packaged

    •    Individual 16-, 24-, and 96-array plates available

    •    All processing trays included

Content Profile:
Sequences used in the design of the arrays were selected from GenBank™, dbEST and RefSeq. The majority of sequence clusters were created from the UniGene database (Build 133, April 20, 2001) and refined by analysis and comparison with a number of other publicly available databases, including the Washington University EST trace repository and the University of California, Santa Cruz Golden-Path human genome database (April 2001 release). 
An additional set of sequence clusters were created from Build 159 of UniGene (January 25, 2003) and refined by analysis and comparison with a number of other publicly available databases, including the Washington University EST trace repository and the NCBI human genome assembly (Build 31). Sequences were further analyzed for correct orientation, false priming, false clustering, alternative splicing and alternative polyadenylation.
*Two design changes were introduced with the GeneChip HT HG-U133+ PM Array Plate:

  • Only perfect match (PM) probes from the cartridge design were retained while mismatch (MM) probes were removed.

  • Empirical data was used to select the best-performing probes resulting in reducing the number of PM probes

    • 42,461 probe sets were reduced from 11 to nine probes

    • Six probe sets were reduced from 11 to 10



Array Format:

24-array plate

Array Type:

Transcriptome Profiling

Number of Arrays:

24-array plate

Product Line:


Product Size:

1 kit

